The Richmond Public Library created a Super Smash Bros. tournament to interact with kids/teens and bring them into the library to encourage socializing in a safe space with other like-minded children. The secondary purpose was to encourage them to pick up books while they are inside the library.
Create a brand to encompass the spirit of the Smash Bros. tournament. Create a social club so kids/teens could feel a sense of belonging and a safe space to express themselves comfortably.
An idea that was thrown around was a crest of some sort with either the "digital" book from the Richmond Public Library logo or a spaceship to resemble hope, fun, and exciting new opportunities for the children.

Final Design

It was great to host our first-ever tournament and receive feedback from the children directly. Some of us used a Discord server we set up and listened to their feedback in voice chat. We also asked some QA questions to see where we could improve and if they liked the idea of a special club using the logos we designed.