Develop a new design for the 2020 RPL Annual Report. This report will be distributed to the Board of Directors as well as media outlets located in British Columbia, Canada.
Create a seamless theme throughout the entirety of the report. Disperse all information evenly so it's easy to read and digest.
Fiddled with different concept designs. Provided initial concept to start a dialogue for design elements that would be effective at communicating levels of importance (top bar as a current section indicator, size/colour of headings, sub-headings, bolded, regular text, photo size/location, etc).

Final Design

Communicating directly with high-priority stakeholders proved to be more effective than sending emails back and forth to everyone CC'd. Sending the initial concept helped with visualizing spacing throughout the document, management could see immediately which sections needed lengthening/shortening. Structuring text in a communal word document helped streamline the editing process and could be immediately pasted into the design file for critiquing.